Since this was a transactionbetween entities under common control in response to Accounting Standards Codification ASC 805, BusinessCombinations, Nxt ID recognized case study answer net assets of 3D ID at their sporting quantities in case study solution debts of Nxt ID on case study answer datethat 3D ID was organized, February 14, 2011. We are an emerginggrowth company as defined in case study solution Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012, or JOBS Act. We will remain an rising growthcompany for up to five years, or until case study answer earliest of i case study solution last day of case study answer first fiscal year during which our annual gross revenueexceed $1 billion, ii case study solution date that we become a large improved filer as explained in Rule 12b 2under case study solution Exchange Act, which might occur if case study answer market value of our common stock it truly is held by non associates exceeds $700 millionas of case study answer last business day of our most currently achieved second fiscal quarter or iii case study answer date on which we have issued morethan $1 billion in non convertible debt during case study answer previous three year period. Pursuant to Section 102 of case study answer JOBS Act, we haveprovided decreased executive reimbursement disclosure and feature unnoticed a reimbursement dialogue and analysis from this prospectus. Pursuant to Section 107 of case study answer JOBS Act, we’ve elected to utilize case study answer extended transition period offered in Section 7a2Bof case study solution Securities Act for complying with new or revised accounting standards. The following table summarizesthe applicable old economic data for our company and may be read along with case study answer advice in case study answer section titled”Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and our economic statementsand related notes, that are integrated in this prospectus.