A dairy company in case study solution US city of Portland, Maine settled a court case for $5m earlier this year as a result of a missing comma. Three lorry drivers for Oakhurst Dairy claimed that they were owed years of unpaid extra time wages, all as a result of case study solution way commas were used in laws governing additional time payments. The states laws declared that extra time wasnt due for staff concerned in the canning, processing, maintaining, freezing, drying, advertising, storing, packing for cargo or distribution of: 1 agricultural produce; 2 meat and fish products; and 3 perishable foods. The drivers controlled to successfully argue that because there has been no comma after cargo and before or distribution, they were owed extra time pay. If a comma had been there, case study answer law would have explicitly ruled out those that distribute perishable foods. Because there has been confusion, case study solution US Court of Appeals ruled in their favour, benefiting around 120 of case study answer firms drivers. Why do Americans invariably fall for case study solution same horrendous medical scam that’s been killing innocents for 50 plus years?Because they still consider case study solution FDA Food and Drug Administration, CDC Center for Disease Control and case study answer AMA American Medical Association are shopping out for their best attention that’s why!It’s a well known proven fact that smoking commercial cigarettes ends up in respiratory and imperative frightened system disorders and disorder. This is as a result of case study solution tobacco comprises GMO pesticides and ammonia, among over 1,000 other chemical substances. The paper that cigarettes are rolled in comprises bleach and plastic cellulose acetate, so when burned, these chemical compounds infect and corrode case study solution body, leading to cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart assaults and strokes. Research shows case study solution same results from injecting rat poison and samples of GMO laden animal organs into case study answer veins on the way to “keep away from blood clotting. ” For over 50 years, Western Medicine has brainwashed case study answer masses into using case study solution following toxic blood thinners/anti coagulants:Warfarin Coumadin: given orally; works by poisoning nutrition K receptors on platelets in order that they cannot stick in combination; accessible inthe rat poison branch at Home Depot. Bristol Myers Squibb’s warning: feasible “major or fatal bleeding” Heparin: administered by injection; causes allergies; greater than 1,000 hostile events in case study solution United States alone.